Wednesday 15 January 2020

"The Outsiders" - Chapter 4 Questions And "The Hill" - Chapters 7 & 8 Questions

“The Outsiders”

Chapter 4
1) In Chapter 2, Hinton used foreshadowing to suggest that Johnny might kill someone. Re-read the section where Ponyboy describes to Cherry how Johnny had been beaten up by the Socs. Write down the quotation the gives this foreshadowing, and explain how it foreshadows the events of Chapter 4.
2) What happened to Ponyboy and Johnny at the park?
3) Do you think that Johnny was justified in killing Bob? Explain your thinking with evidence to support your ideas.
4) Who do Johnny and Ponyboy turn to for help after Johnny killed Bob?
5) Why would the boys turn to this person for help? In what ways did this person help Johnny and Ponyboy?
6) Ponyboy had always dreamed of going to the country. What was his reaction when he finally arrived there? Why?

“The Hill”

Chapter 7 (Dinner)
1) Add to the list of reasons why Jared believes he and Kyle can't be friends.
2) Why might Jared's memory from elementary school be significant to understanding Kyle?
3) Describe the Wîhtiko . Draw a picture if it helps you to visualize it.
4) Explain the outcome of the boys' plan to deal with the Wîhtiko .

Chapter 8 (Firelight)
1) Explain what you think might be causing the boys to feel pulled towards the hill?
2) Explain Kyle's frustration with Jared's questioning about Kyle's education.
3) On page 88, Kyle lashes out at Jared about what he feels white people think about First Nations people. Why might Kyle believe these things?
4) Who is Chief Fan George? Explain using the information Kyle gives.
5) What could Chief Dan George mean by "We have to beat you at your own game."?
6) Add to the list of reasons why Jared believes he and Kyle can't be friends.
7) What animal did the boys come across just outside of their camp site?8) How did the boys get away from the Wîhtiko ?

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