Wednesday 29 January 2020

"The Outsiders" - Chapter 8 Questions And "The Hill" - Chapters 15 & 16 Questions

"The Outsiders"

Chapter 8

1) Why was it important that Johnny be able to see Gone With The Wind when he woke up?
2) Do you agree with Johnny's decision not to see his mother? Explain why or why not.
3) Judge the following statement, and explain your thinking: "The only thing that keeps Darry from bein' a Soc is us."
4) What was Two-Bit's "showpiece"? What does this word mean in this context?
5) Why was Two-Bit's "showpiece" so important to him?
6) What qualities did Cherry admire both in Bob and in Dally?

"The Hill"

Chapter 15 (Morning)

1) Jared realizes that Kyle's calmness has been like an anchor to him. What could have caused Jared to only realize this now?
2) Describe the two natural remedies and tools that Kyle uses, and how they work.
3) Jared also realizes that everything he normally relies on is useless. Explain why this realization could be important for Jared's growth as a character. Use evidence from the text to support your thinking.
4) Add to the list of reasons why Jared believes he will never be friends with Kyle.
5) Jared and Kyle both discuss how they feel they lost their families. Compare and contrast their stories.
6) Why would Kyle tell Jared, without Jared questioning, "Don't even think that Dad was the drunk."? How does this relate to stereotypes of First Nations people? Explain.
7) Explain "survivor's guilt".
8) What do Jared and Kyle say they feel attracted to at the end of the chapter?

Chapter 16 (A Tribe)
1) What caused Jared to feel shocked at the beginning of the chapter? Why is this significant?
2) Explain the Cree belief about tribes according to Kyle.
3) Explain the significance of Jared describing the boys as "A Tribe of two." How could this tie into the character growth seen in Chapter 15?
4) Kyle tells Jared something important about the wolverine. What is it? Why would the wolverine be following around Jared and Kyle?

Tuesday 28 January 2020

"The Outsiders" - Chapter 7 Questions And "The Hill" - Chapters 13 & 14 Questions

"The Outsiders"

Chapter 7
1) What bad news did Ponyboy and his brothers learn about Johnny's condition?
2) The newspaper article praises the actions of Ponyboy, Johnny, and Dally. However, something in the column about Soda, Darry, and himself disturbed Ponyboy. Explain.
3) According to Randy, what did most of the Socs want from their parents?
4) Why did Randy decide to not participate in the rumble?

“The Hill”

Chapter 13 (Trickster)
1) What was Wesakechak doing outside of the hut?
2) What makes Jared believe that Wesakechak could be trusted?
3) Why does Jared believe that Wîhtiko is tracking him?
4) What had caused Jared and Kyle to freeze in place?
5) Add to the previous description of Wîhtiko by using the description given near the end of the chapter.

Chapter 14 (Pissing Contest)
1) What saves the boys from the Wîhtiko ?
2) What kept the Wîhtiko from smelling the boys inside the moss house?
3) What does Kyle believe is causing the Wîhtiko to sense Jared?
4) Add to the reasons of why Jared believes he'll never be friends with Kyle.
5) How does Kyle think the boys can escape the Wîhtiko ?
6) Kyle gets very defensive when chess is brought up, and discusses how his Moshum was fantastic at chess. Do you believe that Kyle was trying to prove a point of some sort? Why or why not?
7) What causes Jared to realize that he had thought that he was better than Kyle?

Thursday 23 January 2020

"The Outsiders" - Chapter 6 Questions And "The Hill" - Chapters 11 & 12 Questions

"The Outsiders"

Chapter 6

1) Why did Johnny decide to turn himself into the police?
2) Describe how Johnny and Ponyboy acted heroically.
3) Why didn't Johnny and Ponyboy take Dally's advice?
4) Why did Dally suddenly enter the burning building?
5) Why did Dally hit Ponyboy? How do we know this, if Ponyboy, the narrator, was unconscious?
6) What made Ponyboy realize at last that Darry loved him?
7) What does Ponyboy means when he explains, "I was finally home to stay."

"The Hill"

Chapter 11 (Shelter)

1) Describe the woodland Cree lodges that Jared and Kyle find.
2) What does Kyle believe about Jared's friends?
3) Why does Kyle get upset when Jared says, "And people like you should learn-"?
4) How does Jared respond to Kyle after being told that Kyle is treated like scum because of his skin colour?
5) Describe the person Jared and Kyle meet inside of a moss house.

Chapter 12 (Mystery Man)
1) The man inside the moss house is described with more detail. Add to your description from the previous chapter.
2) What does "Pe mitso" mean?
3) What does Jared say while eating that offends Kyle? Why?
4) What is the incredibly important realization that Jared comes to and admits to Kyle while eating? Why is this significant?
5) Recount Kyle's story of Kisemanito. Why would this tale be important at this point in the story?
6) What was the warrior trying to explain to Jared and Kyle, only using gestures?
7) Who is the warrior in the moss house?

"The Outsiders" - Chapter 5 Questions And "The Hill" - Chapters 9 & 10 Questions

"The Outsiders"

Chapter 5

1) Ponyboy greatly resists having his hair cut. Why do you think the Greasers care so much about their hair?
2) In what way did Johnny compare Dally to the Southern gentlemen from Gone With The Wind?
3) Explain the significance of Robert Frost's poem in the story.
4) How did Bob's murder affect the relationship between the Socs and the Greasers?
5) What surprising news did Dally give Johnny and Ponyboy about Cherry?
6) The words "gallant" and "sullen" are used in this chapter. Define these words, and explain why the words are appropriate for when they were used.

"The Hill"

Chapter 9 (Fight)

1) Kyle and Jared have a discussion about "dreamcatchers". What is a dreamcatcher? What is its purpose? If you don't know, research it, and answer the question.
2) Kyle tells Jared on page 99 that he doesn't "usually talk to your type." What does Kyle mean by this? Why does Kyle feel this way?
3) Kyle tells Jared that Moniyaw means "white man". Jared explain that Kyle has a double standard. What does Jared say to prove Kyle's double standard, and why is this important in the story?
4) What did the man that saved Kyle and Jared from the Wîhtiko say?
5) Why does Kyle keep following the water?
6) Jared gets into a rage, and destroys his phone. Why is this important for Jared as he grows as a person?
7) What insult does Kyle say to Jared about Jared's size that hurts him?

Chapter 10 (Curiosity)
1) How does Kyle stop the bear from chasing Jared? What do the words he speaks mean?
2) Add to the list of reasons why Jared believes he can't ever be friends with Kyle.
3) What does Kyle mean by saying "Kokum slapped me down."?
4) What does Kyle mean when he says that Kokum's teachings are inside of him, on page 111?
5) Explain the significance of the boys seeing the ravens flying away.

Wednesday 15 January 2020

"The Outsiders" - Chapter 4 Questions And "The Hill" - Chapters 7 & 8 Questions

“The Outsiders”

Chapter 4
1) In Chapter 2, Hinton used foreshadowing to suggest that Johnny might kill someone. Re-read the section where Ponyboy describes to Cherry how Johnny had been beaten up by the Socs. Write down the quotation the gives this foreshadowing, and explain how it foreshadows the events of Chapter 4.
2) What happened to Ponyboy and Johnny at the park?
3) Do you think that Johnny was justified in killing Bob? Explain your thinking with evidence to support your ideas.
4) Who do Johnny and Ponyboy turn to for help after Johnny killed Bob?
5) Why would the boys turn to this person for help? In what ways did this person help Johnny and Ponyboy?
6) Ponyboy had always dreamed of going to the country. What was his reaction when he finally arrived there? Why?

“The Hill”

Chapter 7 (Dinner)
1) Add to the list of reasons why Jared believes he and Kyle can't be friends.
2) Why might Jared's memory from elementary school be significant to understanding Kyle?
3) Describe the Wîhtiko . Draw a picture if it helps you to visualize it.
4) Explain the outcome of the boys' plan to deal with the Wîhtiko .

Chapter 8 (Firelight)
1) Explain what you think might be causing the boys to feel pulled towards the hill?
2) Explain Kyle's frustration with Jared's questioning about Kyle's education.
3) On page 88, Kyle lashes out at Jared about what he feels white people think about First Nations people. Why might Kyle believe these things?
4) Who is Chief Fan George? Explain using the information Kyle gives.
5) What could Chief Dan George mean by "We have to beat you at your own game."?
6) Add to the list of reasons why Jared believes he and Kyle can't be friends.
7) What animal did the boys come across just outside of their camp site?8) How did the boys get away from the Wîhtiko ?

Monday 13 January 2020

"The Outsiders" - Chapter 3 Questions And "The Hill" - Chapters 5 & 6 Questions

"The Outsiders"

Chapter 3
1) What did Cherry say to Ponyboy that caused a "nervous bitterness" to grow inside of him?
2) Which of Cherry's statement came as a big surprise to Ponyboy and caused his mouth to drop?  Why would Ponyboy be so surprised?  Explain your thinking.
3) Why was Ponyboy late coming home from the Nightly Double?
4) Explain how Darry acted as a parent when Ponyboy arrived home late.  Judge Ponyboy's reaction.  What would you have done in this situation if you were Darry?
5) Hinton uses foreshadowing with the cliffhanger at the end of the chapter.  Write the quote, and explain its importance.  Predict what might happen next in the story. 

"The Hill"

Chapter 5 (Flight)
1) Why might Jared start singing the theme song from Jaws while running away from whatever was coming?
2) What words in this chapter create a sense of dread and fear for the two boys?  Give at least 3, and explain why they create these feelings.
3) Add to the list of reasons why Jared believes he and Kyle can't be friends.
4) Why might Kyle want to see what he's running from?
5) What does Kyle believe is chasing them?  Why can't Kyle say it's name?

Chapter 6 (Worth A Try)
1) Explain what Kyle believes the Wîhtiko  is, according to Cree legend.
2) How does Cree legend say one can stop the Wîhtiko ?
3) Explain the plan the boys have to get rid of the Wîhtiko .
4) Explain why Jared might keep taking pictures with his phone?
5) After Kyle's explanation of the Wîhtiko , describe what you think it could look like.

Wednesday 8 January 2020

"The Outsiders" - Chapter 2 Questions And "The Hill" - Chapters 3 & 4 Questions

"The Outsiders"

Chapter 2
1) Why would Dally harass Cherry and Marcia? Give details to support your thinking.
2) What caused Dally to stare at Johnny in disbelief? Why was Dally's response so unusual for him?
3) Explain why Two-Bit's trick on Johnny was especially cruel.
4) What had happened to Johnny before the timing of this story?
5) What argument did Cherry use to defend the Socs? Explain her point of view.

"The Hill"

Chapter 3 (The Jet)
1) What are the reasons that Jared believes he'll never be friends with Kyle?
2) Do you believe Kyle was mocking Jared about his jeans? Explain why or why not.
3) What caused Jared to hate being alone?
4) Despite Jared treating Kyle terribly, Kyle still helps him. What was it that offended Kyle so much, and what is the rule that Kyle follows?
5) What does Jared believe he saw in the form of a shadow? What could that mean?

Chapter 4 (Shadows)

1) What causes Kyle to become furious with Jared? Why do you think this is so?
2) Jared and Kyle have very different ideas about what makes them better than the other person. What does each boy believe at this point?
3) Add to the list of reasons why Jared believes he and Kyle can't be friends.
4) Compare the ways that Jared and Kyle are able to navigate. Is one way better than the other? Explain.
5) What could have been in the cave that Kyle and Jared come across? Explain.
6) Compare where the two boys believe the other "hangs out".
7) What do the boys see as a fog vision? Describe it.
8) Why is Kokum burning Sweetgrass and praying?
9) Why would Kyle need to exclaim his name and heritage? Why is this important to his personality and the history of his family?
10) Predict why Kokum is telling the boys to "Run.".

Monday 6 January 2020

Categorizing Violence Actions

"The Outsiders" - Chapter 1 Questions And "The Hill" - Chapters 1 & 2 Questions

"The Outsiders"

Chapter 1
1) Describe the characteristics that made Ponyboy unique among his friends.
2) Compare and contrast the Socs and the Greasers.
3) Why did the Greasers resent the Socs?
4) Explain why there is tension between Ponyboy and Darry.
5) Hinton uses a metaphor to describe Johnny Cade.  What is it?  Explain the importance.

"The Hill"

Chapter 1 (Wake Up)
1) Describe the moments leading up to the plane crash.
2) Explain why Jared calls the boy who helped him as "The Hulk".
3) Jared seems to react awkwardly when talking to Kyle.  Why do you think this is?  Explain.
4) Why would Kyle treat Jared so poorly?
5) Explain Jared's plan to get help, and Kyle's objections to it.
6) What does Kokum mean?

Chapter 2 (Climb)
1) Last chapter, Kyle opposed Jared climbing up the hill, why does he go along with Jared?
2) Explain Jared's family situation.
3) Kyle gets very upset with Jared after Kyle is told to lead.  What could have caused this?  Why?
4) Why might Kyle believe that the Whiskey Jack doesn't want the boys to go up the hill?
5) List the stereotypical/racist comments or ideas Jared has about Kyle.
6) Why would Kyle believe that "Sometimes scared is the smartest thing you can be."?
7) What does Moniyaw mean?